The experiences of women of color are unique AND intersectional.

Help shape tomorrow

There is a  20% pay gap between non-Hispanic white women and white men, yet the disparity is more considerable for women of color. For Latinas, it's 46%, Native women, it's 42%, and for Black women, it's a 38% gap. At 10%, Asian women have the slimmest pay gap but suffer from unique barriers that prevent them from executive decision-making positions.

In large, women earn less than men at virtually every occupation-level, even though women makeup almost half the workforce, are more likely to be the sole head of households, and seek out more education.  Multiple reasons are contributing to the pay disparity. One, in particular, includes biases towards women and women of color in the workplace.

To date, we know that women of color express a more profound desire to advance than their counterparts but have access to fewer opportunities. However, the visibility of women of color in decision-making positions is crucial to the advancement of all women. 

It's up to each one of us to make sure our companies are delivering the best results. In a world that's shifting towards innovation and change, we want to make sure companies are thinking about inclusiveness in its entirety.

This means getting ahead of the curve and ensuring women of color are at the center of that change. With your help, we can forge this future so that companies are equipped with the right information.

Help plant seeds for tomorrow by responding to the Women of Color in the Workplace® Study.

We invite you to suggest an employer that should be delivered a copy of the summary of results. The results will reach 100 companies within our network.

*The name and contact information of each respondent is anonymous.

(Length of time: 7 minutes)

Respond to the study.

Grab Skills and Learn Best Practices.

The experiences of women of color are unique. That's why the Women of Color in the Workplace agenda promotes strategies so that more women of color can get ahead. We exercise programming to strengthen pathways towards visibility, equality, equity, & leadership for women of color.
Up and Coming Programs >

The Book Coming Soon.
I know what it feels like not to know how to survive in a workplace when your coworkers are isolating you. This lack of knowledge led to various forms of abuse in the workplace, something no one should go through, but it's happening in our workplaces everywhere. Looking back, I wish I had more knowledge because part of me was chipping away every day. This book is for women of color in the workplace. I also urge team leaders and employers to grab a copy. Whether you are in the corporate or nonprofit sector, work inside a government, or private institution, work in service and hospitality, it's essential to learn how to navigate your workplace! Grab your copy upon release. Subscribe for updates.



Lean In Women of Color is a global network aimed at the advancement and retention of women of color in leadership and high-ranking positions. Learn more.
A podcast series with mission to dispose of the pay gap affecting women of color. Tune into a new episode every other week! 
Listen now.
For two years in the row, our founder spearheaded the Latinas Equal Pay Day Commemoration Project and then as of 2019, the inaugural Black Women's Equal Pay Day Commemoration Project was launched to elevate the conversation about the pay gap impacting black women! Click on the highlighted links above to learn more.



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